If you are having visa issues, you know how overwhelming these problems can be. You don’t know if you or a loved one will be able to stay in the country. You are probably feeling unsure of what your future and family will look like. You need help finding a solution.
Help For The Most Difficult Cases
The immigration lawyers at Van Der Hout LLP have earned a national reputation for representing clients with difficult cases. Many of their cases have set precedent for future legal battles. Our goal is to find timely answers to immigration problems.
For assistance with your visa questions and immigration issues, call the San Francisco law office today at 415-981-3000.
Assisting Clients With A Variety Of Visa Issues
Our immigration law firm provides comprehensive immigration law services, including assistance with visa issues such as:
- J visa waivers and reviewing two-year foreign residency requirement
- Permanent resident family visas and the visa lottery to reunite families with immigration issues
- Permanent visas through employment for those seeking work-related residency status
- Temporary visas for work-related, nonimmigrant waivers
We can help you with these visa issues and other immigration and naturalization cases. All of our principal attorneys are certified by the State Bar of California of Legal Specialization. Only about ten percent of attorneys can say this. Marc Van Der Hout, Christine Brigagliano (of counsel), Zachary M. Nightingale and Stacey Gartland are among those rare attorneys who meet the Board’s rigorous standards.
Make Your Appointment Today
Our attorneys can help you start finding solutions to immigration problems today. We work with clients nationwide, but we are based in California. Our main office is close to the San Francisco courts where all northern California deportation cases are heard for North California through Frenso cases. We also have an office in Palo Alto for your convenience. Call us directly at 415-981-3000 or email the firm.